Early Childhood Development

4 Tips for Teaching Preschoolers Healthy Habits

Early Childhood Development | October 21, 2022
boy riding bike in a helmet

The first five years of a child’s life are crucial to their health and well-being in a variety of ways. This is a time when the foundations are laid for learning, health, and positive habits. Teaching preschoolers healthy habits is an important part of setting them up for success down the road. To help, here are four tips for teaching preschoolers healthy habits backed by research and experience on the topic. 

1. Model Healthy Habits  

Observational learning is probably one of the most powerful factors determining progress during child development. That’s why the best way to teach preschoolers healthy habits is to lead by example. Nutrition researchers, for example, have found that modeling plays a significant role in children’s future habits. You are a role model for healthy habits in your households. Although it may not always seem like it, your children are watching you and will remember the choices you consistently make.

2. Make Healthy Habits Easy 

The best way to make a healthy habit stick is to make it easy and fun to execute. This could mean having pre-cut slices of fruits or veggies and easily-available dips for little ones to mix and match. Using a child-sized potty or placing a stool in front of a sink can make any time spent in the bathroom more accessible for your preschooler. Choose a favorite toothpaste or let your child pick a new fruit or vegetable at the store to try. With a few creative ideas, healthy habits can be fun to implement!  

3. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. 

Repetition is such an important part of learning for toddlers and preschoolers. In fact, it’s the reason children often want to re-read the same book night after night. Reviewing and practicing habits frequently is necessary for encoding them into long-term memory. Brushing teeth, bathing, tidying, and getting good sleep all require daily practice to help them become a part of your child’s routine. 

4. Recognize Healthy Choices

Positive reinforcement through verbal praise or loving touch is a wonderful way to recognize them when they make positive choices. Even a simple sticker chart can help your child feel a sense of accomplishment as they work towards a goal. No matter how you practice encouragement, it’s important to celebrate your child’s growth, praising the process rather than the result. Focusing on the effort they made can help cultivate a growth-oriented mindset for them.

Healthy Habits Preschoolers Can Learn

At The Gardner School, we are committed to partnering with parents as they look to teach healthy habits to their preschoolers. We consider social-emotional learning to be just as important as our strong academic curriculum. To learn more about how you can help your child become adept academically and socially, contact us today.