Early Childhood Development

Tips for Supporting Children As They Develop

Early Childhood Development | May 2, 2024
dad helping toddler daughter play with toy rings

As TGS partners with families, we provide resources to help parents navigate the various transitions and developmental milestones that come with their child’s growth. From saying goodbye to bottles and pacifiers to potty training and transitioning to a big-kid bed, each step is an exciting adventure that your child will embrace with your support. Since every child is unique, developmental milestones can vary significantly, so it’s important to remember that your patience, support, and love are more important than any milestone timeline. 

Build A Strong Bond

The bond between you and your child is the foundation of their security and confidence. This deep connection is what makes them feel safe to explore the world and face new challenges. By being a consistent source of support, you’re teaching your child that they can always rely on you, which is crucial as they navigate new experiences like starting preschool or moving from a crib to a bed!

Being intentional about connecting with your children every day doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be as simple as sharing a meal or a book! Here are some things you can do to strengthen your family’s bond.  

Help Regulate Big Feelings

Helping your child regulate their emotions is a complex process. As a parent, you know it’s a sensitive balance between soothing your little one and allowing them to tolerate some distress in order to learn to self-soothe. If you’re calm and encouraging, show empathy, and acknowledge emotions, you’re sending the message that emotions are important but don’t need to be overwhelming. 

Allow your child to express themselves without fear of judgment or punishment. When they are upset, identify the emotion and teach a coping strategy. You can say, for example, “I understand. You are very upset. You don’t want to stop playing and take a bath.” Then, you can take a deep breath and relax. Your little one will likely follow suit! 

Self-regulation is an important skill for kindergarten readiness. Since preschoolers often have strong emotional reactions throughout their day, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to practice naming their emotions and teaching coping techniques. Be sure to check out our top 6 tips for managing meltdowns

Talk With Your Child

From the moment they’re born, babies are learning and absorbing information from their surroundings. One of the best ways to aid their development and teach them how communication works is by talking to them throughout the day. When your baby makes a gesture or sound, respond to them as if you’re having a conversation!

Communication is also a powerful tool for understanding your child’s needs and thoughts. Engage in regular conversations and listen carefully to their concerns and questions. Discuss their day, their feelings about moving to a big-kid bed, or how they felt when trying to give up the pacifier. It’s all about giving them a voice and letting them know their opinions matter. This open line of communication will not only strengthen your bond but also enhance your child’s speech and language skills. 

Follow Routines

Routines create a sense of predictability and comfort, which can be especially helpful during times of change. Establishing and maintaining daily routines that work for your family—like regular meal times, a bedtime story, and a calm winding-down period at night—helps children feel secure. This structure allows them to internalize a sense of time and order, making transitions like weaning off nighttime feedings or adjusting to preschool much smoother. Consistent routines can also be a confidence booster and cut down on tantrums. 

Play With Your Child

Never underestimate the power of play! It’s essential for your child’s cognitive and physical development and for building their emotional and social skills. Playtime is a perfect opportunity to bond and teach skills such as sharing, patience, and empathy. Whether you’re pretending to cook in a play kitchen or building towers with blocks, these moments are when children learn the most about the world around them.

The Gardner School Is Here To Support For Your Family 

Parenting preschoolers brings up so many questions with complex answers. There’s also a seemingly endless supply of advice! We’ve done our research to create this list of our five favorite parenting podcasts for you to listen to. You can find even more parenting resources, insight, and tips on The Gardner School’s blog, where you can sort by topic and filter by age group. 

If you’re looking for a community to help support your family, be sure to contact us any time with questions or schedule a tour at a location near you.